
Friday, August 19, 2011

Pomp and Circumstance

A graduation ceremony is an event where the commencement speaker tells thousands of students dressed in identical caps and gowns that 'individuality' is the key to success. - Robert Purvis

The only have two memories of my high school graduation in 1987.  The first was our class butchering the singing of our class song "The Best of Times" by Styx - a song released in 1981.  The second was the speech delivered by our Valedictorian Chong Se Park.  He delivered an impassioned speech that, unfortunately due to his accent, nobody understood.  My high school buddy Tommy still believes to this day that his speech was a rallying cry that culminated in the Tiananmen Square protests in 1989.  The fact that Chong was Korean does not seem to dissuade him of this theory...

Enjoy the photos....

Some good 80's hair in the picture.  I can only name 1 of the 3 classmates in this picture. 

Uncle Gary - Getting his Doctorate ?  I appreciate the hallmark of the Kuhn picture with the subjects being off center .

My Dad getting his MBA from Bentley with Uncle Rog

Kathy graduating from Lesley.  I think this is pre-engagement to Joe

Dede graduating from BHS in 1985.  I am a fashion disaster !

Jeff getting his diploma from Foster Wright at BHS.

Mom graduating from college ?.  A very unMinnesotan painting in the background

Nan graduating from confirmation class.  Who is next to Kurt Johnson ?

Kathy - BHS Graduation

Another off-center Kuhn picture !

It will be 20 years this December.  When Jake saw this pic he asked me if I dyed my hair.  Nice.

My lovely bride graduating from Emerson.  Once of the first times I spent time with her parents.


  1. Greg, I have no idea where you get the time to do this. I may be able to find some added photos, but my U of MN graduation had no pictures because the 130 EE students ran across the stage amidst the 7,500 other grads at the most personal event.



    1. Uncle Dick, do you have any photos of Nana and Bapa? Ones Greg may not have?

